Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally Done!

Ok so I decided to wing it and try some color. I came up with Green and Yellow. I was thinking of more electric green but this was all the hardware store had :( I think it came out ok all in all.
I pulled out my old airbrush and had some fun. After I finished blending the yellow and green, I thought it needed something more so I outlined the whole thing with a little black. The shine here is only temporary. I was just finishing the gloss coat of epoxy. It looks so good when it is wet. After it dries it looks a little dull. I read about guys that spend tons of time trying to get that shine, but then just cover it with wax anyway. That can't be me I don't have enough patience.

So all done. "Board Number One" wow it was both harder and not as hard as I expected. I was surprised by the way some things went. I expected shaping to be harder than it was. The rails came out rougher than I expected. I cant tell if thats because the shaping wasnt right or the glassing. The next time I shape a board I will definitely try some different things. I would spend more time with a block and sandpaper rather than power tools.

Its funny six months ago if I saw this board I would be like wow thats great I want to make one just like it. Now that its done I wish I had done this better or that better. I really have to get over it and just enjoy the time I had building it. I really did enjoy it!

I do have to say wow a surfboard all in all done for under $150! I can't wait to get this stick out and see if I can catch a wave with it. So here it is all leashed up, waxed up and waiting for the first ride.